Business Sustainability

Business Sustainability


An Innovative Business Model
MARG Energy, Inc., understands that in order to succeed in the business world today, businesses must be continuously reviewing and improving upon the innovativeness of their business model. Doing so requires businesses to review all of the moving parts, including inputs and outputs, within their business.

Historically, the singular output approach (producing one output well) was adequate. With rapidly changing technology and increased competition, this approach is no longer enough. To be truly competitive in today’s market, businesses must review their waste streams and identify how they can reuse and benefit from them.

MARG Energy follows a singular output approach, and believes that many businesses could follow this practice, thus creating a highly sustainable business model. Generate minimal waste, yet bring forth extraordinary value to its community.

As an example of a MARG Energy sustainable approach, the leaders required an extensive review of the land area to be developed for MARG Energy operations. This was taken seriously in order to utilize every natural resource available, from the hills to the shade of trees, to the hydrology of the earth. The final area selected was a perfect fit.

MARG Energy focuses on generating as much energy from the assistance of natural elements as possible, and looking at our resources from a different point of view. We do this by concentrating on the four renewable energy realms of known energy recovery. These four realms are:

Solar placement (generated by the sun)
Hydroelectricity (generated by water flow)
Wind turbine placement (generated by the wind) where accepted by local policy
Geothermal heat recovery (generated by the heat underground)
Many energy sources today are not sustainable. Yet, businesses rely on them, and therefore, these businesses are not sustainable. To change this, MARG Energy is at the forefront of the sustainable energy industry.

Sustainable Energy is the Future!

Getting Value from Waste Streams

Coal Ash – a waste stream everyone would love to remove from the equation of coal-powered power plants. Yet there is something about coal ash that begs an explanation beyond the normal grey dirty stuff no one wants to deal with. There is value in this material. Coal ash remains as valuable fertilizer or nutrients whenever biomass or crops/plants from millions of years ago are burned. Ancient plant material is locked up in the bedrock we know as today’s coal, and is used to power electricity plants.

Waste Stream classification happens whenever we are not certain as to how to use this as a valued resource. MARG Energy plans to change this effort as we reuse waste materials to grow algae. What once may have been algae will return to use by our algae growing techniques.

Water Usage – is always high in power plants and requires fresh supplies of water. Most power plants require a constant flow of fresh water and don’t even consider reusing the waste water. We will change that as we use the sterilized water that goes through their condensers. We will convert this into our sterilized process to grow our algae.